Product : Veterinary Medicine

  1. Allvit MA  

(Powder for oral administration via feed or drinking water.) Indications : Improvement of rearing results, to increase feed efficiency, to improve feathering and flesh development in chicken, to maintain good performance to prevent and to treat stress situations, to improve egg quality and to increase egg production. Ingredients: Multivitamins, Aminoacids, Minerals, Egg shell factor SC1. Dosage : Poultry : According to individual requirements 1 gm / 4 lit. drinking water. Via feed. 150gm -1 kg / ton of feed. No withdrawal periods for meat and eggs. Pack Size : 100 gm Sachet Origin :  Bremer Pharma GmbH, Germany.

2. Ampicillin 20%

(Suspension for injection)

Composition: 1 ml suspension contains: Ampicillin trihydrate 200 mg (equal to Ampicillin anhydrous 173.2 g) Indications: Bacterial infections caused by Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria: infections of the respiratory and urinary tract, metritis, mastitis, gastro-intestinal infections, septicaemia, wound infections. Especially indicated when bacterial resistances against common antibiotics are obvious.

Dosage and Use:

General dosage: Large animals: 7 – 10 mg / kg b.w. twice daily

                Poultry, pets:     20 mg / kg b.w. twice daily

                by intramuscular or subcutaneous injection

                Cattle, horse, camel: 12 – 20 ml

                Calf, foal:             2 ml / 50 kg b.w. Sheep, goat: 1 ml / 25 kg b.w.

                Dog, piglet:         0.1 ml /2 kg b. w. Poultry: 0.1 ml /1 kg b.w.

                Duration of treatment: 3 – 5 days

Contraindications: Do not use in animals hypersensitive to Penicillins. Preslaughter withdrawal times: Ruminants: 6 days, Pigs: 5 days, Milk: 48 hours, Remarks: Store at a cool place, protected from light and heat exposure. Keep out of reach of children. Packing: 10ml, Bremer Pharma Gmbh Germany

3. Flumequine 20%

(Solution for oral administration) Composition: 1000 ml contain Flumequine 200 gm. Indications: Highly effective chemotherapeutic agent for prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, caused by gram-positive and gram- negative bacteria : Aeromonas, E.coli, Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Pasteurella spp., Proteus, Pseudomonas, Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp. and Yersinia. Poultry : Colibacillosis, Enteritis, Salmonellosis, Infectious Coryza, Fowl Pasteurellosis. Dosage : Poultry: Therapy : 9mg flumequine per kg/b.w. or 1 ml flumequine /4 lit. of drinking water. For prevention: half of the therapeutic dose. Withdrawal periods : 48 hours for meat, milk and eggs. Pack Size : 1000 ml bottle, Origin : Bremer Pharma GmbH, Germany.

4. Gentamast

(Ointment for treatment of mastitis and local infections) Composition: 1 syringe (intramammary injection) with 7.5 gm contains : Gentamicin sulfate 170 mg (equal to gentamicin 100 mg), Indications : Treatment of severe mastitis, especially caused by organisms resistant to common antibiotics. Broad spectrum action on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria including species of staphylococci, clostridia, proteus and coliform bacilli. Dosage: Instill 1 syringe (injector) per infected quarter. Clean and disinfect teats and milk out from the udder prior to treatment. If necessary repeat instillation after 24 hours up to 3 consecutive days. Complementary treatment by Gentamicin 5% injection is recommended in very severe and dramatic cases. Withdrawal periods : Milk from the treated quarters must not be used for human consumption for at least 48 hours after last treatment. Pack Size : 7.5 gm tube, Origin : Bremer Pharma GmbH, Germany.

5. Gentamicin 5% Inj.  

(Solution for injection) Composition: 1 ml solution contains Gentamicin sulfate 85 mg (equal to Gentamicin 50 mg), Indications : Gentamicin is a broad spectrum antibiotic of high efficacy against a wide range of Gram-positive (Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Corynebacteria) and Gram-negative bacteria (Pasteurella, Pasudomonas, Proteus, E. coli, Salmonella) and mycoplasma. Infections of the respiratory, gastro-intestinal and uro-genital tract, uterine infections in cows, infections of the respiratory tract in Calves, Foals and Weaners, E. coli and Salmonella Enteritis, Septicaemia, Arthritis, Infections of the auditory tract. Dosage : Cattle, Horse : 8 ml / 100 kg b.w. Calf, Foal : 4 ml / 50 kg b.w. By intramuscular injection 2 times on the first day every 12 hours. Repeat treatment only daily there after for 2-4 days more. Preslaughter withdrawal times : Animal must not be slaughtered for human consumption for a period of 12 days after last treatment. Milk must not be used for 3 days. Pack Size : 100 ml bottle, Origin :  Bremer Pharma GmbH, Germany.

6. Metaphosol

(Injectable roborans and tonic to increase metabolism and performance)

Composition: 1 ml solution contains Toldimfos Sodium, 3H2O 200.0 mg. Indications : Metaphosol is used as an tonic or roborans in general metabolic disorders, weakness and prostration after disease, heavy duty in birth, debility of new born, mal development and stunting in young animals, nutritional disturbances, deficiency symptoms in spring-time; tetania and paresis due to disturbances of the Ca/Mg/P metabolism in connection with Ca/Mg infusions, disorders in bone development, rickets, osteomalacia, callus formation after bone fractures (given together with Vit. D), increase in muscle performance. Support of sterility therapy. To increase food intake.  Dosage : Horse, Cattle : 25-50 ml / animal, Calf, Foal : 10-25 ml/animal, by intravenous, intramuscular or subcutaneous Injection. It is recommended to inject large volumes in smaller doses at different sides of animal body. Withdrawal periods : Meat and milk 0 days. Pack Size : 100 ml bottle Origin : Bremer Pharma GmbH, Germany

7. Miramed

(Powder for oral administration via drinking water) Composition : 1000 gm powder contains Erythromycin thiocyanate 180 gm, Sulfadiazine 150 gm, Trimethoprim 30 gm. Indications : Poultry : CRD, broncho- pneumonia, infectious coryza, salmonellosis (pullorum disease), fowl typhoid, cholera, coli septicemia, enteritis. Especially indicated when other antibiotic and chemotherapeutics fail due to resistance problems. Indicated also in prevention and treatment of coccidiosis. Dosage : Poultry : 1 gm / 2 lit. drinking water for 800 layers or pullets. Duration of treatment : 5 consecutive days. Withdrawal periods : Poultry meat: 5 days at least after last treatment and eggs must not be used for 3 days. Pack Size : 100 gm sachet Origin :  Bremer Pharma GmbH, Germany

8. Nortril  

(Solution for oral administration) Composition : 1000 ml contains Norfloxacin 100 gm. Indications : Treatment of infections caused by gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria sensitive to Norfloxacin including : E. coli, Pasteurella (Fowl cholera), Salmonella, Haemophilus paragallinarum (infectious coryza), Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, Staphylococci and Mycoplasma spp. General Dosage : 12 mg / kg body weight. Poultry : 1 ml Nortril / 1.2-1.5 lit. drinking water. Duration of treatment : 3-5 consecutive days Withdrawal periods : Meat 5 days, eggs 3 days Pack Size : 1000 ml bottle Origin : Bremer Pharma GmbH, Germany

9. Oxytocin  

(Solution for injection) Composition : 1 ml solution contains : 10 I.U. synthetic Oxytocin (Voegtlin units) Indications : Oxytocin stimulates contraction of the smooth muscles. During birth, it is used for induction of myometrical contractions and labour; indicated primary and secondary uterine inertia, uterine atony, retention secundinarium. In case of metritis, a combined treatment with antibiotics is indicated. Used in multipare animals to force (last) fetus into the pelvic canal. Oxytocin also causes contraction of the mammary myoepithelial tissue, causing milk let-down in the lactating animal: indicated in agalactia. Dosage : Cow : 4-6 ml / animal by intramuscular or intravenous 1-2 ml, For Goat : 1-2 ml / animal by intramuscular or intravenous 0.5-1 ml. Withdrawal periods: Meat and Milk : 0 days, Pack Size : 10 ml bottle Origin : Bremer Pharma GmbH, Germany.

10. Oxytetracycline 10% Inj.   

(Solution for injection) Composition : 1 ml solution contains : Oxytetracycline hcl 100 mg, Indications : General bacterial infections, especially for the respiratory and gastro-intestinal tract as bronchopneumonia, pleuropneumonia, enteritis, septicaemia,  caused by Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, mycoplasma and certain large viruses. General Dosage : 5 mg Oxytetracycline / kg body weight by intramuscular, subcutaneous or slow intravenous injection. For cattle, horse 3-4 ml / 100 kg body weight. If infected intramuscularly, not more than 10 ml per injection spot. Duration of treatment : 4-6 days. Withdrawal periods : For meat 10 days after last treatment and Milk must not be used for 3 days. Pack Size : 50,100 ml bottle Origin : Bremer Pharma GmbH, Germany

11. Oxytetracycline 20 LA Inj  

(Solution for injection) Composition : 1 ml contains : Oxytetracycline dehydrate 215.7 mg. Indications : Oxytetracycline 20 LA injectable solution is a specific formulation to provide a prolonged action resulting in a sustained antibacterial Oxytetracycline is active against a wide range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative pathogenic bacteria, certain rickettsia and larger viruses. Infections of the respiratory tract, pneumonia, broncho-pneumonia, especially in superinfections with pasteurella. Septicemia, anaplasmosis, foot rot, navel and joint ill, supportive therapy in metritis, mastitis calf scours and diphtheria, enzootic (clamydial) abortion in ewes. General Dosage : 20 mg Oxytetracycline / kg body weight (1 ml / 10 kg body weight) Withdrawal periods : Meat 21 days and Milk must not be used for 6 days. Pack Size : 50,100 ml bottle, Origin : Bremer Pharma GmbH, Germany.

12. Piperazine Citrate

(Powder for oral administration via feed or drinking water) Composition : 100 gm Piperazine Citrate are equivalent to 36 gm Piperazine base. Indications : For prevention and treatment ascaridosis. Against intestinal roundworms (oxyures, small strongylides, oesophagostomes, hyostrongylides).  Dosage : Poultry : 100 gm in 60-80 lit. drinking water for 1000 chicken of 4-6 weeks of age or 600 chicken of 10 weeks of age or 300 layers, pullets for 2 days. Repeat the treatment after 4-6 weeks for 1 day required. Via feed : 3 kg / ton of feed. Pack Size : 100 gm sachet, Origin : Bremer Pharma GmbH, Germany

13. Supermed TS1

(Powder for oral administration) Composition : 1000 gm powder contains Sulfadiazine 400 gm, Trimethoprim 80 gm. Indications : General infections of the respiratory, gastro-intestinal and urogenital tract, especially in cases when other antibiotics and chemo-therapeutics show insufficient results due to resistancy problems. Poultry : Colibacillosis, fowl typhoid, enteritis, fowl cholera, salmonellosis, coryza and coccidiosis. Calves, Colibacillosis (scouring), salmonellosis, pasteurellosis, bronchitis, Haemophilus pleuropneumonis (HP) Dosage : Poultry : Supermed TS1 60 mg / kg body weight or 1 gm Supermed TS1 / 2.5 lit. drinking water. Calf. : 30 mg / kg body weight twice daily or 1 gm / 25-30 kg body weight. Duration of treatment : 4-6 days. Withdrawal periods : Meat: 10 days and eggs 5 days. Pack Size : 100 gm pkt, Origin : Bremer Pharma GmbH, Germany

14. Tetracycline hcl 25%  

(Powder for oral administration via feed or drinking water) Composition : 1000 gm water soluble powder contain: Tetracycline hydrochloride 250 gm. Indications : Poultry : Bacterial and mycoplasmal infections of the respiratory tract : CRD, bronchopneumonia, pleuropneumonia, coryza, synovitis, stress. Calf : Bacterial infections of the respiratory and gastro-intestinal tract: Diarrhoea, scours, pneumonia, early mortality of the calf. Dosage : Poultry : 50 mg tetracycline hcl / kg body weight daily or 100 gm Tetracycline hcl 25% in 80 lit. drinking water. Via feed 3 kg Tetracycline hcl 25% / ton of feed. Calf : 2 gm Tetracycline hcl 25% / 25 kg body weight. Duration of treatment : 4-6 consecutive days. Withdrawal periods : Poultry & Calf : 14 days for meat and eggs. Pack Size : 100 gm pkt, Origin : Bremer Pharma GmbH, Germany

15. Vitamin AD3E Forte  

(Solution for injection) Composition : 1 ml contains : Vitamin A 300,000 IU, Vitamin D3 100,000 IU, Vitamin E-acetate 50 mg. Indications: Hypovitaminosis in connection with general bacterial infections, improvement of rearing results, convalescence, maintenance for fertility and health, prophylactic treatment during challenge and stress periods. Dosage : By intramuscular injection: Cattle, Horse, Camel : 5-8 ml / animal. Calf, Foal : 2-5 ml / animal. Dog, Cat : 0.5-1 ml / animal. Withdrawal periods : Milk & Meat : 0 days. Pack Size : 100 ml bottle, Origin : Bremer Pharma GmbH, Germany


Composition per Litre:

Citric Acid 80,000 mg
Orthophosphoric Acid 75,000 mg
Tartaric Acid 30,000 mg
Lactic Acid 100,000 mg
Popylene Glycol 40,000 mg
Excipient q.s. 1L


BREMATOX PLUS It is very beneficial in the treatment of Mycotoxicosis and as acidifiers for growth and production enhancement.

BREMATOX PLUS is a concentrated acidifying formulation containing mixtures of the most beneficial acids. It is used to limit the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria through acidification of the gastrointestinal tract.

BREMATOX PLUS is a highly concentrated liquid acidifier, which is a solution for the problems with abnormal bacterial flora arising from the incorrect pH of the intestinal tract. The composition of BREMATOX PLUS contains properly selected concentrations of acids, which are highly bacteriostatic and bactericidal, inhibiting the development of colibacillosis, coccidiosis, salmonellosis and gas gangrene.

Citric acid and lactic acid stimulate liver, kidney and pancreas function. In addition, in regular use also had a toning, antispasmodic and analgesic effect.

Dosage and Application:

Poultry:                1 – 2 ml per litre of drinking water.

Other Information:

Store in a cool and dry environment, out of direct sunlight in closed packing. Keep out of the sight and reach of children.

Water should be the only drinking source. Fresh solutions must be prepared every day. Shake well before preparing the dilution.

For Animal Use only.

Shelf Life:

2 years from production date.


1L & 5L PET containers.

Made in : Spain.


Composition per Litre:

Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol acetate) 100,000 mg
Sodium Selenite 500 mg
Excipient q.s. 1L



Vitamin E is a natural and powerful antioxidant. It is majorly stored in fatty tissues. Vitamin E also improves the activity of phagocytic cells. It enhances the production of antibodies and is also required for the optimum functioning of skeletal, nervous and reproductive system.

Selenium is a trace mineral and involved in the production of more than six different selenium dependent enzymes in glutathione peroxidase family. Vitamin E function requires the activation of Vitamin E by these enzymes so selenium is integral for the antioxidant and immune function of Vitamin E.

It protects meat and fat from oxidation and ensures the quality. It boosts the immunity. It improves egg mass, weight and strengthens vitelline membrane in poultry layers.

In cattle, supplementation with selenium or both selenium and vitamin E reduced the incidence of retained placenta. Supplemental vitamin E-selenium has also been reported to reduce metritis, cystic ovaries and time of uterine involution in cows with metritis.


  • ·          Vitamin E and Selenium deficiency manifested in the form of encephalomalcia (crazy chick disease) muscular dystrophy, exudative diathesis in poultry, white muscle disease in young ruminants,
  • ·          Supportive treatment in infectious diseases.
  • ·          Heat stress management
  • For improved egg quality in layers and better hatchability in breeders
  • Peripartum supplementation cows, ewes and does to reduce chances of retained placenta, early uterine involution, reducing the incidence of metritis and cystic ovaries during the early postpartum period and improved conception rates
  • Better immunity in young ruminants and improved growth rate.

Dosage and Application:


Prevention:                        100 ml per 400 litres of drinking water for 3 to 5 consecutive days. Therapy:                                                100 ml per 200 litres of drinking water for 5 to 7 consective days. Cattle & Horse:                                   6 ml to 10 ml per 50 kg bodyweight daily / animal for 5 days.

Calf, Foal, Pig:                  4 ml to 6 ml per 30 kg bodyweight daily / animal for 5 days.

Sheep/Goat:                      2 ml to 4 ml per 30 kg bodyweight daily / animal for 5 days.

Other Information:

Store in a cool and dry environment, out of direct sunlight in closed packing. Keep out of the sight and reach of children.

Water should be the only drinking source. Fresh solutions must be prepared every day. Shake well before preparing the dilution.

For Animal Use only.

Shelf Life:                                                        Made in : Spain

2 years from production date.


1L & 5L PET containers.


Composition per Litre:
Vitamin A 100,000,000 I.U.
Vitamin D3 20,000,000 I.U.
Vitamin E 40,000 mg
Excipient q.s. 1L


Treatment and prevention of deficiencies of the vitamins A, D3, E and K3, in all animals.

All kind of stresses caused by vaccination, transportation, high humidity, high temperatures, diseases (coccidiosis) and debeaking.

Vitamin A (palmitate)

Plays an important role in the protection of the epithelial tissues (including skin and retina) and the mucous membranes, and therefore as a protection against general infections. Deficiency symptoms are hyperkeratosis (skin), xerophthalmia, blindness, and nervous symptoms, decreased growth rates and lowered fertility.

Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)

Takes care of the regular process of the calcium-phosphorous metabolism. It also plays a role in increasing the rate of Ca++ absorption and transport from the intestine, and in promoting calcification of bone. Deficiency symptoms are rickets in young animals and osteomalacia in adults.

Vitamin E (dl-a-tocopherol acetate)

Possesses antioxidant action, which links vitamin E with vitamin A metabolism (it is used for the stabilization of vitamin A in foodstuffs) and with that of the unsaturated fatty acids. Deficiency symptoms are muscular disorders, e.g. White Muscle Disease, Stiff Lamb Disease.


BREMAVIT AD3E is a well-balanced combination of essential vitamins to support growth. Powerful anti-stress approach to prevent and treat rickets, weight loss, bone deformities and decreased egg production. Highly recommended in poor condition and periods of heavy labour such as gestation, egg laying and exercise

Dosage and Application:

Poultry:                1 ml per 400 litres of drinking water for 3 to 5 consecutive days. Cattle:                                4 ml to 8 ml per 50 kg bodyweight daily / animal for 5 days.

Catves:                 2 ml to 6 ml per 30 kg bodyweight daily / animal for 5 days.

Other Information:

Store in a cool and dry environment, out of direct sunlight in closed packing. Keep out of the sight and reach of children.

Water should be the only drinking source. Fresh solutions must be prepared every day. Shake well before preparing the dilution.

For Animal Use only.

Shelf Life:

2 years from production date.

Packaging:                                                   Made in : Spain

1L & 5L PET containers.